Swapnabhoomi (Dreamland)

Dreamland is a home for children who are homeless, destitute, or orphans and need care and protection.

Since the inception SEDT is committed to ‘Swapnabhoomi’. It’s not just a project for us. It is indeed a place where children dream. Dream for a better future and live the dream.

Swapnabhoomi is a home for the children in need of care and protection. It is a space where destitute, homeless and orphan children get a home of their own.

Heart Touched

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It was all started in the year, 1980. In the very initial years, the ‘village warehouse’ at Kerwadi was the place of residence. With 6 children in need and support of few inspired minds, we embarked on the journey to create a home for children. Soon after few years, the home shifted to a very own place, and since last 31 years it is located on the same place in Kerwadi. Over the years, 400+ children stayed and are nurtured at Swapnabhoomi.

Over the years, the home has improved in all sense and presently Swapnabhhomi have a good basic infrastructure and facilities to cater the requirement of 70 children (regularly). These children are between the age group of 6 to 18 years.

The building of 6000 sq.ft have 6 dormitories with following facilities at Swapnabhoomi –

Playground of 15000 sq. ft.

Central Solar Water Heater​

Central Water Purifier

10 Latrines and 10 bathrooms

Basic Medical Facility

Well-equipped library with approximately 1500 books

At Dreamland, we ensure that we make available nutritious diet and provide necessary means to children including- good clothing, school uniforms, educational facilities and study material, storage cupboards on sharing basis, study desks, separate and clean mattresses and goods for personal cleanliness and hygiene.

It is not just about the infrastructure and facilities, we believe and meticulously work to provide a conducive environment to children for their overall development. These children, while completing the formal schooling, also participate in the SEDT programs and projects, which build their linkages with the society and learn the moral values of humanity. Skill development, confidence building and personality development sessions are also conducted for children to build their moral and mental competency to face the world outside and be a responsible citizen of the nation.

At Swapnabhoomi we celebrate every festival that an Indian family celebrates, including – Diwali, RakshaBandhan, GudiPadwa, Holi and many more. Children also enthusiastically celebrate Annual Day, Get Together, Independence Day, Republic day, Children Day and with all the competitive spirit participate in sports activities and competition.

However, to fulfil these tasks and meet up to the responsibilities, we need assistance of like-minded people, institutes and organizations. Your support in form of manpower, technical assistance, in-kind and monetary grants will surely help us in the mission.
With all the pride and indebtedness towards our supporters, we like to share the feelings of few of the passed out children, which keep on visiting Swapnabhoomi and certainly motivates us to move ahead.

We here dutifully mention the assistance extended by Miracle Foundation, Delhi to us from last one year. Miracle Foundation supports Swapnabhoomi for implementing several initiatives for overall development of children. It helps us to cope up with deficit funds required for implementing qualitative initiatives and prove complementary to the facilities at Swapnabhoomi.

o Regular health check up camps for children
o Quarterly Child Counselling Sessions
o Extra support for Quality Education
o Careers Guidance Sessions
o Personality Development Programs
o Inclusion of milk and nutritious food items including fruits in the diet for children

Most of the passed out students are self-reliant now. They are living their life with dignity and pride and serving private sector, public sector including defence and education. Few are also small entrepreneurs and few joined us in Swapnabhoomi.


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Most of the passed out students are self-reliant now. They are living their life with dignity and pride and serving private sector, public sector including defence and education. Few are also small entrepreneurs and few joined us in Swapnabhoomi.

Students who have passed X and XII grade exams are sent for higher education in Pune or in the vicinity of Kerwadi itself,
depending on thei needs and interest. At present, 10 boys are in Pune for their highe education. (A great family, Mr. Sheepad &
Mrs. Shalaka Ghodke, have taken the initiative to look after these 10 children while they live in Pune.

Madhav Shembule ex Student Swapnabhoomi

It was a short but very a valuable stay in Swapnabhoomi. Looking at my talent and capacities in academics, SEDT team decided to help me pursue my further studies. I could secure admission in Government Engineering College of Pune. The new horizons were visible and with the dedication towards education and professionalism, I experienced growth and success. Today I am in Belgium working for a renowned IT Business group.

Nandkumar Kajobuwar ex-Student and employee of SEDT

I believe it’s my turn now, and I joined Swapnabhoomi. After completing by secondary schooling and graduation I decided to join SEDT as Accountant. I think it my turn now to extend hands for children in need and join in the mission

Abasaheb Shinde ex-student Swapnabhoomi

It would have not been possible otherwise. Today I have a good job, self-earned house and a family. Whenever I get an opportunity to share about life, I take great pride in sharing my success

Kailas Ambulgekar ex-student Swapnabhoomi

How could I forget Swapnabhoomi? It’s not just a place where we stayed. We lived a dream with Swapnabhoomi and today we owe the success that we have gained to Swapnabhhomi Family. I need not have to recollect the sweet memories of my childhood in Swapnabhoomi, because so close are those to my heart

Need for Swapnabhoomi

Swapnabhoomi is in essence, an orphanage, where children who are homeless, destitute, or orphans need care and protection. These children deserve the utmost care and support, so they can lead a normal life like any other child in a city.

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It is our first and prime project. Dreamland is a home for the children in need of care and protection. It is a space where a destitute child gets a home of their own. The project has been set up in Kerwadi, where children are supported by ideas, funds and volunteers. Since its inception in 1980, Swapnabhoomi has helped more than 1000 children in their upbringing and education

Our Intervention

Since 1980, SEDT has actively sought to improve the economical condition of the underprivileged section of Parbhani district in Marathwada, Maharashtra. And ever since, Kerwadi has been its central base of operations. The first step towards uplifting their state was to provide proper education, since there was no scope for quality education in Kerwadi or its surrounding vicinity. We anchored our project to solve the issue at its most root level, with the children of Kerwadi. This noble establishment has helped us touch the lives of more than 1000 children through implementation of new ideas, providing them with various options and emotional support and the right kind of updated education. The aim was for them to get a community.

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